Conversations with The Lady - To Infinity and Beyond

Thomas: Want to go pick up our photos? I think it’s been eight minutes. It feels like it’s been eight minutes.

The Fiancee: We’re in Wal Mart. It might just feel like it’s been eight minutes, but it’s really been like thirty seconds.

Thomas: Like some sort of hell dimension.

The Fiancee: Would it really matter if time moved more slowly in a hell dimension? I mean, eternity is eternity.

Thomas: Yeah, but you can have more eternity.

The Fiancee: That’s… stupid.

Thomas: No, it’s totally real. Like, there’s an infinite amount of numbers between 0 and 1, and there are infinite numbers between 0 and 100, but there are more numbers between 0 and 100, because it includes all of the numbers between 0 and 1, and more.

The Fiancee: …Math is also stupid.


Conversations with The Lady - Three Ways

- On The Way Home From Lowe’s -

Thomas: So I was looking at three-ways-

The Fiancee: What?!?

Thomas: …so I was looking at three-way valves, for the sink we’re replacing…

The Fiancee: Oh.


Conversations with The Lady - The Tornado

On the Way to Devil Corgi’s Rescue Shelter

The Fiancée: I had really weird dreams last night.

Thomas: I dreamed we got hit with a tornado.

The Fiancée: That’s not really surprising, with all of the tornadoes and tornado warnings lately.

Thomas: Would it be surprising if I said I punched the tornado until it went away?

The Fiancée: …not really, no.
