Conversations with The Lady - Three Wishes

The Lady of the Manor: If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?

Thomas: Well… genies are notoriously tricksies mother fuckers, so my wishes would be several hundred pages of dense legalese.

The Lady of the Manor: You’re the most cynical person in the world. I’d wish for a magic tissue box of money, and every time you pulled money out of it, there would be more money. And eternal, effortless beauty.

Thomas: See, here’s how he’d fuck you. Creating more money every time you pulled some out of the magic box would cause inflation to go sky high, and eventually money itself would be useless. And eternal, effortless beauty? He’s turn you into a statue or something.

The Lady of the Manor: …

Thomas: Tricksies mother fuckers.

The Lady of the Manor: You think about things too much.